Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) & International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (IPOC)

Workshop & Industry Forum

Call for Workshop & Industry Forum

The organizing committee would like to invite Workshop or Industry Forum proposals in related topics. This call will generate additional session topics for conference participants to participate during the conference. Workshop or Industry Forum chairs are responsible for setting up a technical program committee to review submitted papers as well as nominating invited speakers. Please contact workshop chair Prof. Xia Yu (email: for more information.

Confirmed Workshop List
Workshop 1: Biomedical-Imaging-Spectroscopy
Workshop 2: Space-TimeOptics
Workshop 3: Active Devices on Thin-film Lithium Niobate Platform
Workshop 4: What Is the Role of Optical Technologies in Building 6g Networks?
Workshop 5: Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS) and Applications
Workshop 6: What will Photonic Computing be Like in the Future?
Workshop 7: What is the Role of Optical Sensors in Building Smart Environments?
Workshop 8: Advanced Optical Fiber Technologies for Underwater Applications

Confirmed Industry Forum
Session1:All Optical Transport Network in F5G and Beyond
Session2:Enabling Technology and Application for Passive Optical Networks in F5G and Beyond
Session3:Where are the Boundaries between IMDD & Coherent Technology for 800G and beyond?